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Webventure Final Artist Statement

Final Artist Statement- Webventure

For my webventure project, I wanted to do something a bit different from my normal inspirations like video games and such. I had the idea about making a funny plant shopping webventure for some reason. I really wanted to draw all the images myself and have gifs on most of the pages. The three main pathways are online shopping, picking in nature, and going to a greenhouse. All of the nature options have negative results in which you either end up in jail or have a medical issue come up. With online shopping, the main page plants are normal with the exception of the cactus which can prick you. If you pay attention, there is another tab in the drawing labeled “dark web”. There is a hidden link there that if you click on will take you to the dark web for plant shopping. This page has mushrooms as an option, which end up being a scam if you click on it. Lastly, the greenhouse plants are all normal as well, however, if you find the van hidden link it will take you to a new page. You will be taken to a page with a mysterious merchant selling magical beans. Once you take the bean, it will grow into the Mario Pirana Plant (had to still pay tribute to videogames somehow). Overall, the project was enjoyable to work on, just a bit tedious) I think I would add more funny options, or change out some of the normal plants for more fun ones.

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